Dick’s War

My name is Richard Marshall-Hardy, son of Squadron Leader R F Marshall-Hardy. My father was based and we lived in married quarters at RAF Watton (according to his log books)…

Harris Barnett Levin(e)

Harris Levin’s son David has passed these images of paperwork his father kept relating to his time on National Service from 1954 to 1956, including the 1955 Christmas Dinner Menu…

David Fossey Cpl Tech – my time here

I was posted from RAF Yatesbury to CSE Watton in September 1954 and worked there as a Cpl Tech Air Wireless Fitter until September 1957. During my term there we…

A Close Thing . . . by Ralph Swift

All Material on this page is Copyright © Ralph Swift  Malta calibration was to prove traumatic. As well as my usual sergeant navigator I was carrying a Sqn Ldr navigator…

Flying the Canberra . . . by Ralph Swift

All Material on this page is Copyright © Ralph Swift 2003  I disliked flying the Canberra, I had got bored and uncomfortable during the longer flights made possible by the…