As well as the ongoing schedule of exercises large and small, Development Squadron was becoming more involved with exercises against various Surface to Air Guided Weapons (SAGW) sites. The SAGW units were testing their radars for proof against jamming and providing their operators with the opportunity to work in an ECM environment.
By October Dev Squadron’s Canberra force had increased to three aircraft, but a fatigue life of 1700 hours was imposed on the squadron’s Lincolns effectively reducing the Lincoln force to three aircraft. This meant that the Squadron’s immediate tasking could not be carried out with insufficient aircraft on strength.
Work on a gymnasium to be sited on the Station sports field adjacent to Station Sick Quarters was begun in late 1960.
These and the previous ‘snapshots’ of my post-war history of RAF Watton are extracts from
‘In Support Of So Many’
Royal Air Force Station Watton 1945-2007
A Story of a Peacetime RAF Station
© Peter J. Long 1999 -2007